Bogotá D.C – Colombia | Of. carrera 60 # 22-99 | Contact (60-1) 743 6692 -318 716 6636 – 321 452 5678 –


The Water Circuit promotion applies only to telephone reservations at the number 743 6692. Besides, It is important to keep in mind that this promotion is only available for Mondays that are not holidays..

Monday Water Circuit 50% off



Special Tuesdays

Circuit + relaxing or facial massage 30 minutes



Healthy Wednesday

Circuit + relaxing massage + budda bowl + detox drink



After Office Wednesday and Thursday

Welcome drink, relaxing massage 30 me, turco (Price per person)



Mornings AR




Enjoy a full service Spa & Wellness, Get to know and live the true spa concept in an exclusive place designed to give you the wonderful benefits of water.